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ANR Pipeline


成立于1945年的密歇根-威斯康辛管道公司, ANR管道公司于2007年成为TC能源公司的一部分,运营着美国最大的州际天然气管道系统之一.S. 

With access to major producing basins in North America, the ANR system transports natural gas from Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana to cities and towns in Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and Ohio, with two major legs of the system converging near Chicago. ANR还提供TC能源公司在密歇根州广泛的天然气储存业务.

Thanks to our commitment to pipeline safety and security, ANR准备在未来的许多年里支持中西部消费者的能源需求.

For commercial information, visit ANRPL.com.


Extends 9,367 miles (15,075 km)

Peak capacity of more than 10 Bcf/d of natural gas


How are we regulated?

ANR管道是根据美国能源部制定的法规进行管理的.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). 它也受管道和危险材料安全管理局(PHMSA)和环境保护局(EPA)管理的能源部(DOE)的规章制度的约束。.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
Local 1-202-502-6088
Toll-Free 1-866-208-3372

Ways to reach us

If you have any questions about the Project, please reach out to us via the contact information below. 

ANR Pipeline (TC Energy)
700 Louisiana Street
Houston, Texas 77002
Emergency Response
我们对管道和设施安全的承诺是坚定不移的. 在紧急情况下,请访问我们的联系页面,我们的紧急号码的完整列表. 
Landowner Helpline
维护我们设施完整性的一个关键组成部分是来自利益相关者的投入:部落群体, landowners and governments. If you have questions or concerns, please let us know.

Head Office
700 Louisiana Street
Houston, Texas 77002

Media Relations
TC Energy welcomes enquiries from media. Please direct questions to:
1-800-608-7859 Toll-free (North America)
Investor Relations
1-800-361-6522 Toll-free (North America)